Image: Warm Springs student play outside the classroom

The following article was published on December 15th by The Nevada Independent. Jackie Valley and Joey Lovato have traveled to the state's remote rural areas to create a wonderful picture of our smallest schools. 

Click here to read this article and watch the video with information about the Nye County's Warm Springs School.


"... When a handbell rings, the children stop in their tracks. Then they bound up six metal steps and under a sign that reads, “Welcome to Warm Springs School.” It’s a one-room schoolhouse for kindergarten through eighth-grade children in the Nye County School District. 

Inside the classroom, the rhythm feels strikingly similar to Baker Grade School. The teacher, Joseph Burch, meanders the room while reading aloud spelling words: “product,” “journal,” “garbage,” “whiskers.” Two third-graders, who are twin boys, and a second-grade boy jot down the words. Nearby, a 6-year-old girl scans a picture book. And on the other end of the room, the older kids, who are in fifth, sixth and seventh grade, read a passage about the Trojan War.

Outside, chickens waddle..."

Please read the article here.